Category Archives: Royalty

Anglo-Spanish Royals

The Spanish Royal visit to the UK An Enduring  Relationship Revived   Ask your average English schoolboy what he knows about the relations  between the Spanish and British Royal families, and the likelihood is that he will mention Spain’s Philip 11nd, and the heroic defeat  of his Armada by Queen Elizabeth Ist. A less selective and superficial history will show that relations between British and Spanish royals  have been mutually respectful, if not immune to occasional crisis, for over five  centuries. As the recent biography of Spain’s great Queen Isabella …

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Diana at 50

DIANA cumple 50.  (Transalation of piece by Jimmy Burns published  in El Mundo (Magazine) on the occasion of Ist July, Diana Princess of Wales’s birthday –   This is not a fable but a story as real as it can be imagined about what Diana Princess of Wales might have become had her life not be cut short so tragically on that night in August 1997 in an underpass in Paris. Permit me , dear reader, some literary license in assuming that had it not been for that terrible accident, …

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El Beso y El Balcon

  Al final de un mañana cuando la boda real había navegado en perfecto equilibrio entre la tradición y la modernidad, fue este el momento del símbolo definidor. A la 1.26 hora local, bajo la mira de miles allí congregados y millones más mirándoles alrededor del mundo, William  y Kate se dieron el beso, desde un balcón de palacio pero con la espontaneadad de cualquier pareja de enamorados recién casados. Fue un ingles Wiliam Shakespeare que creo le escena de balcón tal vez mas romántica y tragicómica   en la imaginación …

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Kate o Catherine

Según fuentes del Palacio de Buckingham, Kate Middleton ha tenido  su primer desacuerdo con el Príncipe Charles, precisamente sobre el asunto de su nombre. A Charles, nunca le ha gustado los nombres diminutivos, ya que les parece de poca clase y populistas. Nunca le ha agradado el hecho de que su primera mujer fue universalmente reconocida como Lady Di– y no Diana- y lo de Kate le suena a presentadora del tiempo. En cambio Kate insiste que quiere llamarse Kate y no Catherine- rompiendo así con otro legado de la …

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A Royal Day to Celebrate

This is an English version of an Opinion piece which I have written for Spain’s El Mundo newspaper as part of their coverage of the Royal engagement.   Like the crisp autumn sun that broke through the heavy mist shrouding much of England on the same day, the royal announcement brought in an instant a sense of clarity to the nation’s citizens. One can say what one likes about the British Royal family, but history has shown its capacity to bring as much fortitude and hope as division and sadness- and this …

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