Category Archives: Wars

How should we remember war?

How should we remember war ? As a new virtual museum tells the story of the Spanish Civil War, Jimmy Burns looks at the place of memory in a seismic conflict (Published in The Tablet,uk 29/October/2022)   Spain limped into the third decade of the 20th century  fractured “with one half of her being, for the other half  lingered with El Cid and the conquistadores” .As Jan Morris went on to also note in The Presence of  Spain,(published in 1964) she was “a mess of a country”, tortured by  …

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An invasion planned as a military coup

Published: April 1 2007 For a military operation which its commanders felt was blessed by God and the Virgin Mary, the conquest of ‘Las Malvinas’ by the Argentine junta got off to an inauspicious start. Around midday on 2 April 1982, the official raising of the blue and white national Argentine colours outside the Governor’s residence was interrupted when the flag got stuck halfway up the pole, snapped, and slid downwards. Two smaller flags – representing the Argentine navy and the 25th Infantry Regiment that had formed the main invasionary …

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